We handcraft a wide assortment of elements for your web page or forum ranging from logos, icons, artwork, and much more. Your total satisfaction is guaranteed. Our graphics are designed with you in mind. Whether you need an entire website or just a logo, our team is ready to implement your idea and turn it into a reality. We specialize in logos, banners, posters, icons, graphics, 3D & website design. Why choose Cobalt Blue Designs? We work directly with you, one on one, to ensure we understand your project and can conceptualize it. There is no middle man unlike some of the larger commercial companies. You're guaranteed to receive a professional quality product and most important of all, your satisfaction and peace of mind. Our design team is standing by and we look forward to working with you!
Additional Services Coming Soon
Our layout designs are 100% responsive which means they will proportionally scale down evenly across any web platform. They will look excellent whether they are opened on a wide screen computer monitor, Ipad, Iphone, or any other mobile device.
Throughout the site you'll find various examples of our work and some of the site elements that we offer for your pages. If you have any questions just let us know via the contact page.
We can craft a wide assortment of custom icons for your website, blog, or forum. You choose the style, size, colors, and we'll make it happen!
Does your project require 3D visualization? Leave the work to us to make your project really stand out and shine with exceptional realism.
A logo defines a corporation or business via a symbol representation. A logo can make or break a business and just like books, logos can be judged by their cover. You're in the right place and in good hands for your logo design. We'll help your business grow and excel by providing you with a professionally designed product that captures the essence of your business.
Website Design
...and much more
Additional services include:
Digital photo restoration and retouching
Photo Image galleries
Site elements
Forum Avatars
Motion Graphics